Mark Gubbins
With a career at Lowery spanning over 30 years working on various work streams, including rail and non-rail projects, Mark has worked exclusively on rail projects of various disciplines on both Network Rail and LUL infrastructure over the past 19 years. Mark commenced his career as Site Manager installing duct routes and manholes in the City of London for Mercury Communications. Throughout his time at Lowery, Mark has risen through the ranks, holding various senior management roles and is now the company’s Managing Director and part owner of the previously family-run business.
“ I passionately believe that the health, safety and welfare of our employees and all other persons affected by our works is of paramount importance. We are committed to ensuring that all of our staff go home safe every day, further complimented by a full commitment to Network Rail’s lifesaving rules, both in the planning of our works and the execution of them on site. We avidly believe in the promotion and development of a positive health and safety culture of our workforce and aspire to improve our performance in these aspects every day. ”